Animals & Wood Facts
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Facts Ibex are wild goats that live in the mountainous regions of Europe, north central Asia and northern Africa. There are five species of ibex. They have long, curved horns and cloven hooves. Males have long beards. They grow between 1 and 5.5 feet (30 and 170 cm) and they weigh between 65 and 265 lbs (30 and 120kg). Male and female ibex have long horns, reaching up to 5 ft (1.5 mts), in length, which are used for territorial defense and sexual selection. They can jump more than 6 feet (1.8 meters) They’re herbivores, which means that their diet is...
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FACTS Ebony wood is a beautiful, exotic hard wood. The interior section of ebony wood is either pure black, black green or dark red when its completely matured, while its saplings and outer wood are either white or light gray. Dark ebony is usually found growing in high altitudes, while lighter ebony, including the redder colors, generally grow at lower altitudes. The color of ebony is also influenced by soil conditions and growth rate. These trees produce extremely hard and dense heartwood making it very sturdy. Therefore it has application in numerous industries because of its durability and strength where...
Javan Tiger
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Javan Tiger Facts The Javan tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica) is a subspecies of tiger that lived uniquely on the island of Java, in Indonesia. At the beginning of the 20th century, as the human population on Java increased, so did related human activity and agricultural land use. Hunted and killed by local populations, the Javan tiger also suffered the destruction of its habitat Extinction It became extinct at the beginning of the 1980s, mainly due to deforestation, hunting and the loss of its prey. Preserving tiger habitats, in all their biodiversity, is an essential part of preventing the extinction...
Red Sandalwood
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The Sandalwood tree grows up to 12 -15 meters in height. The bark of the tree is a reddish brown in color. The smooth trunk of the tree turns rough with age and develops deep vertical fissures. Its grain is generally straight or slightly interlocked. With a medium uniform texture and high natural luster. The Sandalwood trees grow well in dry, rocky and hilly terrain. It is named after several fragrant tropical woods which can be found all over the world. The Sandalwood tree is rich in Sandalwood Oil which is widely used in the healing community.
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Bamboo may be the strongest stuff on the planet. It has greater tensile strength (or resistance to being pulled apart) than steel, and it withstands compression better than concrete. There are almost 1500 species of bamboo that can be found in Asia, Australia, North and South America and Sub-Saharan Africa. Bamboo can grow on different altitudes and under various climate conditions, but it prefers tropical climate. It is the fastest growing plant on the planet. It can grow 3 feet in height in 24 hours under appropriate climate conditions. Unlike other woody plants, bamboo reaches maturity after only 3 to 5 years. Bamboo is the fastest...